ExaGeoStat is a parallel high performance unified framework for geostatistics on manycore systems.
  1. Portable Hardware Locality (hwloc): a software package provides a portable abstraction of the hierarchical topology of modern architectures.
  2. NLopt: a library for nonlinear optimization, providing a common interface for a number of different free optimization routines available online as well as original implementations of various other algorithms.
  3. GNU Scientific Library (GSL): a collection of routines for numerical computing.
  4. StarPU: a task programming library for hybrid architectures.
  5. Chameleon: a dense linear algebra software relying on sequential task-based algorithms where sub-tasks of the overall algorithms are submitted to a runtime system.
  6. HiCMA: Hierarchical Computations on Manycore Architectures library, aims to redesign existing dense linear algebra libraries to exploit the data sparsity of the matrix operator.
  7. STARS-H: a High performance parallel open-source package of Software for Testing Accuracy, Reliability and Scalability of Hierarchical computations.